When you initially built your tiny home, your goal was to create your new small home with as small of an investment as possible. If you are like a lot of tiny home builders, you will find out after living in the tiny home that some of those corners you cut to save money affect how efficient your house is overall. Unfortunately, one of those things you may find yourself unsatisfied is the windows you chose.
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Heating and cooling the home can sometimes cost as much as the mortgage payment each month. If you're looking for ways to reduce the cost of heating and cooling your home, the tips below can help.
Tint the Windows
You may have never realized just how much heat the sun brings into your home. That hot sun beating through the windows can cause the temperatures in the space to rise tremendously.
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Windows are a great thing to have in your house. You get to have a lot of light and a lot of fresh air. Unfortunately, you may not get a lot of privacy because anyone who can walk by can see right into your house. You may also end up with more light than you want, especially in your bedroom. There are a variety of things you can use to make sure that you have that privacy and that ability to limit the amount of light you get in your home.
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If you are looking to regulate the amount of sun that enters your space, increase your energy efficiency and increase the privacy in your home, you may be considering installing interior window shutters. One of the first decisions you will have to make when it comes to interior window shutters is what material you want the shutters to be made from.
The most common materials are either wood or faux wood products.
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Most homeowners would love to replace their windows. Who wouldn't want to have a new product that works better, has increased insulation, and looks nice and new? While most people will gladly accept new windows, this doesn't necessarily mean they can afford them. At the same time, many of the problems you might be having with your windows could be fixable in many ways.
Even if your windows are a little bit leaky or hard to use, you don't need to rush out and buy new windows.
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